Welcome to the Project Vault Complete Training Course! The ideal choice for showcasing your business’ hard work. We call this the “vault” because, unlike only publishing to social media platforms, using your own website guarantees that your content is ALWAYS available, FOREVER.
This tool is designed to help simplify and present your work in a structured manner, following Blown2Particles “P.A.R.” method. We use 3 basic elements to create a sales story: Problem, Action, and Results. Not only can you elevate and showcase your work through this format, but also attracts potential customers and allows you to answer questions through examples.
The Project Vault is compatible with the Job Sites + Crew Builder packages from the Business Blast Suite. This can enable the ability to highlight team members who worked on a project or if you worked on a project in a public space, you could add its location and details with a quick click so that people can physically visit your finished work.
The backend of a WordPress Website can be a little overwhelming at first. The first step is to familiarize yourself with the Admin Dashboard.
When we launched your website, you were given a unique username, password, and login URL. Use those credentials to log in, so you can work alongside these instructions.
If you have any trouble locating this information or getting logged in, contact Blown2Particles and together we’ll get you logged in.
The Project Vault uses 3 primary screens: WordPress Admin Dashboard, “Project Vault” Archives, and “Add New Project”.
When you first log in, you arrive at your Main Admin Dashboard. There is a lot is going on here. Which can be overwhelming and distracting! Cleaning up these screens will help you get familiarized and more comfortable.
Main Admin Dashboard setup complete.
Next, we will repeat a similar process in the “Project Vault” Archives screen.
“Project Vault Archives” setup is complete.
Finally, make a few changes to the “Add New Project” screen.
Recommended window layout.
Left Column
Settings: B2P Project Vault |
Right Column
Author Article Categories Excerpt Featured Image Publish |
Your preferences have all now been setup and up adjusted in a way that you should already be feeling up to PAR!
Now, let’s start your first Project Vault entry. We’ll provide a quick checklist at the start of each element to make sure you’ve got everything to succeed!
Stuck?We have added easy to follow checklists, instructions, + reminders inside the Project Vault.
The structured format of the Project Vault creates opportunities for you to showcase your work from start to finish. It offers features of multiple galleries, videos, and more.
There are 3 REQUIRED elements to set up your project.
To start your first project, you’ll need to be logged into your website.
Locate the hammer icon labeled “Project Vault” in the menu on the left side of the screen, hover, and select “Add New Project”.
BONUS SEO: Want to improve your website’s search rankings? Take a minute to fill out the ‘metadata’ for your images for impactful results! This information will even appear alongside your images when publicly shared reducing digital theft!
IMPORTANT: Only select from pre-assigned options. If you want to change, add, or delete from these options, please contact Blown2particles to ensure the best results.
That covers the extra bits for now.
The remaining steps will be inside the main window labeled “Settings” or “B2P Project Vault”. The top part of this section provides instructions and resources for each section. Below each of the ‘tabs’ have been color-coded to make navigation easier.
The first segment of your article is your project introduction and a few optional features. This segment comes right after your feature image and defines the scope of what you want to share.
The ‘Setup + Intro’ section contains the following elements:
Introduction Content |
Background Image Secondary Headline |
PRO-TIP: Struggling to get started? Work on your Problem, Action, and Results first, then summarize for the intro and sell for the conclusion!
This completes the “Setup + Intro” Section of your Project.
The Problem tells people why you were chosen for the job. Provide the scope and scale of the job site. Try to create ‘common ground’ with the visitor’s potential needs.
Try answering 1 or 2 of these questions to get started.
The P.A.R. elements all have a similar layout and elements, this is to help make this process easier for you!
Organize your project notes for The Problem section before continuing.
The Problem is now complete, the next two steps will be very similar. Now let’s put things into Action and describe how you solved the problem.
The Action section tells people how you got the job done. Dive into your strategy, methodology, and offered services/products that you used to complete the project.
Try expanding on 1 or 2 of these ideas to get started.
Chronologically organize your project to show your efforts for The Action section before continuing.
The Action section is now complete, you are nearly done. Now that your actions have solved the problem, let’s show off the final results!
After all the hard work you get to share The Results, wrapping it all up into another success story… unless it was a total disaster… still… that “character building” learning experience can be worth sharing!
Here are some suggestions to help get you started.
Organize your project notes for The Results section before continuing.
The Results section is now complete. Now, you just need to wrap it up and sell this service to your audience!
The Conclusion works as your final thoughts or reflections on the project as a whole. Most importantly this is an opportunity for your BIG CALL TO ACTION!
If someone made it this far, you have their attention. SELL YOUR SERVICE OR PRODUCT!
Subconsciously, they are already imagining their need for your service, waiting for you to extend them the offer!
Let’s sum it all up.
That completes your project! There are just 4 easy steps left to finalize and publish your work.
All Done! Your first project update is live!
We understand this may be a little overwhelming and feel like a lot of work… if you are trying to tackle it all in one sitting, it can be.
But, once you have a little practice with documenting and showing your work, it evolves into easily managed bits of effort throughout each day. As a result, your hard work is always showcased online 24/7 FOREVER.
PLEASE! Hang in there for the final sections.I PROMISE there is a plan to save you time and eliminate those hesitations.
We’ve developed some tools and downloadable resources to help you get started! If you master these techniques, you can say goodbye to writing headaches and magically convert bullet points into comprehensive paragraphs. And the best part is, I’ve done 90% of the work for you! The outlines, templates, and tools have been specifically designed and tested for use with the Business Blast, which guarantees the results you want with minimal effort! |
The Project Vault offers multiple ways to add images or videos to your post. This gives you the chance to provide a visual sales opportunity aimed to your future customers.
To ensure everything appears on the screen perfectly, we have developed easy guidelines for you to follow.
Featured Image + Gallery Images:
PRO-TIP: If you have a large number of pictures and videos, edit them together into a single slideshow, and export it as a video!
Background Image:
PRO-TIP: Want to use something like 4k video? Try using a short promo, that links to the longer video on your channel.
Finally, we have some Tricks and Resources to make your life easier!
If you’re like me and struggled through English classes… I can already hear you groaning about being asked to show your work on paper.
But you’ve committed to exploring this far, give yourself some credit!
Seeing the massive value that the Business Blast offers your business. We took things one step further and figured out which of today’s modern tools are the most beneficial to you that removes stress and reduces time creating useful business content!
When paired with the Blown2Particle’s Business Blast, it creates an unlimited number of opportunities for your business.
Grammarly – free writing assistant software, easy to install, works with everything, corrects spelling and grammar.
You’ll be automatically directed to your account dashboard.
Now anytime you are typing with Microsoft or Google products (Word, Excel, Email, Online Forms) you’ll have a writing assistant!
Next is Voice-to-text, You already have tons of access to this; you may not even realize it.
Microsoft Word/Outlook:
Smart Phone (Android/iPhone):
You can also record your voice and transfer to your computer.
The last tool we HIGHLY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED is A ChatGTP Account is MANDATORY FOR YOUR SUCCESS using the Project Vault. The resources we’ve created for you to pair with this tool are jaw-dropping, true game-changers.
AI writing assistants are tools created for people like you and we have loads of easy-to-use resources readily available that unleash the Business Blast’s full potential.
Want to learn more about this amazing tool? Check out our Project Vault: Tips + Tricks Video on YouTube for a quick walkthrough using ChatGTP with the Business Blast!
We have created templates, examples, and AI prompts that you can use to help create your content with Project Vault. We have bundled all these resources into a .zip file that you can download by clicking the link below.
Click to Download – Project Vault
Want to see a quick walkthrough using these tools? Check out the video.
Still trying to get a better grasp?
Check out the Project Vault Training Course Playlist on Blown2Particles’ YouTube channel. We cover the same step-by-step walkthrough with demonstrations using Tools + Resources alongside the Business Blast! |
The Project Vault is loaded with a full variety of options and is the most powerful tool offered by Blown2Particles. While showing your work regularly might seem like a lot at first, the countless benefits to providing regular public makes up for your effort 1000%.
While mastering these new skills has a learning curve, but before you know it, this beneficial task becomes second nature and you’ll have new customers to show for it.
Blown2Particles is excited to take you on the journey to become a ‘Master Blaster’! The more ‘evergreen’ content you create, you’ll find yourself saving precious time and the reflective growth of your business!